Fyrewitch's knitting blog

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Saturday, November 22, 2008

All the Baby Lambs

My witchlet is a funny little thing - she's 6, going on 25. She has very definite ideas about what is right, what is wrong and how people should behave, both to the people and the world around them. Oh and she took the above photo herself. We were watching TV the other night and we had both just eaten dinner. I should mention here that I'm a vegetarian, but I don't force that on the witchlet - as far as I'm concerned that is her decision to make down the track. Now I'm Wiccan, but hold Buddhism close to my heart and one of the Buddhist precepts is Do not kill. The Jews and Christians also adopt this line of thinking but only apply it to other people, whereas the Buddhists apply it to all sentient beings (ie all animals). So if the topic comes up I will try to engage the witchlet in conversation about if it's ok to eat animals or not. So, back to our TV watching. It was a David Attenbrough program and started with birds doing their fantastic mating rituals - all good. Then it moved on to seals, and within a matter of seconds of introducing the seals, one of them was being gobbled up in slow motion by a Great White shark. The witchlet sobs "I like seals!" and dissolves into floods of tears on the couch. I got her on my lap and gave her a cuddle and settled her down, and then talked to her about the shark simply being hungry for it's dinner, the way she had been prior to us eating, and that the shark eating the seal was no different to her eating the baby lamb she had eaten for dinner. "But I like seals alive," she sobbed. "Don't you like baby lambs alive?" I asked. "Yes," she replied. "But I like them better roasted." Budding vegetarian? Possibly not.



At November 23, 2008 at 10:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

out of the mouth of babes comes the truth :)


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